We are a professional organization formed to facilitate comradery and collaboration among craft brewers in the Lehigh Valley. The guild currently has 24 Members, which include craft breweries, Cideries, meaderies and a Kombuchery.



If you are a Brewery, Cidery, Meadery, or Kombuchery operating in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley and want to join the LVBG, please reach out to info@lvbrewersguild.com for further details.

Basic Requirements for New Members:

Any entity owning a facility that (i) is actively licensed by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and engaged in brewing malt or brewed beverages, fermenting alcoholic cider or fermenting mead in Pennsylvania; (ii) holds a valid Brewer’s Notice or the equivalent Federal Basic Permit to produce alcoholic cider and mead as issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; (iii) has an annual beer, alcoholic cider or mead production of less than one hundred thousand (100,000) barrels, or the equivalent in other standards of fill for alcoholic ciders and mead; and (iv) is known to be operating in conformity with good business practices and all 3 codes and enforcement regulations of the local, state, and federal governments may become a Craft Brewery Member (“Member”) of the Guild.